Wolfenstein Wiki
"Know what the Oberkommando is?"
"Yeah, baby. That's where all those big shot jerks running the Nazi war machine hang out.
―Grace Walker and Wyatt on the Oberkommando in Roswell.[src]

The Oberkommando der Wehrmacht ("High Command of the Armed forces") or Oberkommando is the Nazi High Command in charge of the entire German war effort through World War II and their subsequent global military operations. It appears that contrary to reality, the Wolfenstein Nazis have unified their commands, creating a single united general staff of their military.

In our timeline, Oberkommando was a general term used for a number of top-level entities, including Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (responsible for supervising other high commands, and by 1945 responsible for all fronts of the war except the Eastern Front), Oberkommando des Heeres, Oberkommando der Marine, and Oberkommando der Luftwaffe (specific high commands for the land, naval, and air forces), Armeeoberkommandos (high commands for each army), and several other entities.


Historically, the OKW was a top level military command supervising the high commands of the Army (Heer), Air Force (Luftwaffe) and Navy (Kriegsmarine), though in a decidedly disorganized fashion that prevented from creating a single general staff comparable to Allied or Soviet military planners. In the divergent timeline of the Wolfenstein series, a single, united Oberkommando was created, turning the tide of the war which ended in a total german victory and .now control all armies of the world.

The Oberkommando was originally based in the German capital of Berlin or Germania. However, after the destruction of Deathshead's Compound in the Baltic Sea in November of 1960, they determined that Europe was unsafe due to the Kreisau Circle's insurrectionary successes. To compensate for the severe slowdown in advanced scientific research and to find more stable territory, the Oberkommando was relocated to Area 52 outside of Roswell, New Mexico in the occupied United States. This was the location of a massive Da'at Yichud safe keep specialized in anti-gravity technology and instrumental to the Nazi's post-war space program. The Nazis capitalized on rail, computer, and aviation infrastructure already existing within the United States.

By 1961, America's underground Black Revolutionary Front had been informed by member Super Spesh that the Nazis had relocated the Oberkommando to his hometown of Roswell. Seeking to prevent the Nazis from further developing new technology and to eliminate their leadership, the BRF and Kreisau Circle jointly dispatched B.J. Blazkowicz to Roswell with a portable nuclear warhead for a saboteur mission against the Oberkommando. Blazkowicz successfully infiltrated Roswell, rendezvoused with Spesh, entered the rail links leading to Area 52, and deposited the nuclear warhead inside the facility's nuclear reactor.

Unfortunately, the Nazis detected the nuked efforts and began an immediate evacuation of Area 52. Blazkowicz escaped Area 52 using a monocycle and detonated the bomb, utterly destroying Area 52, the Da'at Yichud vault, and a significant number of Nazi personnel, infrastructure, weapons, and especially the facilities for manufacturing and maintenance of Haunebu-V spacecraft, on top of destabilizing Nazi North American high command.

After the destruction of Area 52, the Oberkommando relocated a second time to the newly established colony on Venus, which alread contained critical equipment command codes from their recently compromised lunar base and Adolf Hitler himself, residing within a luxurious aerostat colony. Completely separated from command, Hitler was a demented lunatic (moreso than in his younger years, that is), and focused on directing a movie celebrating the death of B.J. Blazkowicz.

Hitler's deteriorating mental health brought upon by Parkinson's disease burdened him with crippling paranoia even within his over-defended Oberkommando, twenty million miles from any human threat - except for B.J. Blazkowicz managed to infiltrate the Oberkommando killing nearly all personnel and stealing the codes to the Ausmerzer's ODIN defense system, enabling the BRF and the KC to invade and hijack the Ausmerzer, effectively setting an expiration date on the German occupation of America and the world.

During B.J. assassination of Ubercommanders, B.J. infiltrated the Venus base three more times to kill three Ubercommanders: Thomas Wechsler, Ludwig Kassmeyer and Michael Rademaker. Ubercommander Fredrich Baumgarter tried, in fact, to salvage what remains of the old Oberkommando base in Roswell but got himself and his men killed by B.J. making the Nazi unable to get back their lost resources. 

Furthermore, a Resistance Gunslinger Joe also manages to cause a lot ruckus by rampaging through the base to successfully kill Roderick Metze.  

